Drying of Lumber
The plant is equipped with chamber driers of Jartek brand (Jartek Invest Oy), Finland. The machine complex consists of 12 tunnel-type drying chambers. 4 of them are for intermittent operation, the other 8 are drying tunnels for continuous operation. The chambers can hold about 4,500 m3 of lumber at a time. Two-zoned design of the drying chambers for continuous operation ensures quick and high-quality drying of lumber of different species and diameter to the shipping-dry condition (18–22%). The intermittent chambers allow to dry the lumber to the humidity of 10–12% preserving quality of the finished product.
Dried boards are re-sorted by the Jartek assorting line (Jartek Invest Oy), Finland. The wane edge scanner and the RuScan scanner by Avtomatika-Vektor company automatically define species of the wood, diameter and quality of lumber. The products are assorted according to GOST 26002-83 and GOST 8486-86. On top of that, the line is equipped with an automatic moisture tester and lumber strength definer. The strength definer by Limab company (LIMABOY) allows to assign a strength index to each board and assort lumber according to these properties.