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Wood Products
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amonsectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestilum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy.

Hello timeline 2, you can customize the dragging bar color, slideshow, icons, icon color, timeline content etc in the backend.
Long content will trigger the scrollbar automatically.

Hello timeline 2, you can customize the dragging bar color, slideshow, icons, icon color, timeline content etc in the backend.
Long content will trigger the scrollbar automatically.


Bring the warmth and ambience of real
timber to any space!

we offer


Need Any Logging Services?

We offer clear cut, select cut, plantation thinning, swamp cut, property development cut services.

Forest regeneration

Kraslesinvest, JSC pursues strict policy of sustainable forest management and executes an inclusive forest care program.


Kraslesinvest, JSC has a long term lease contract with an annual right of harvesting of 3.2 million cubic meters of round wood per year.

Logs at Sawmill

The plant is equipped with the Holtec roundwood grade line (HoltecGmbH & Co.KG) where the lumber logs are assorted by species of wood, type...


After that the logs move to the sawmill equipped with the EWD cutting and profiling line (Germany). 

Drying of Lumber

The plant is equipped with chamber driers of Jartek brand (Jartek Invest Oy), Finland. The machine complex consists of 12 tunnel-type drying...

Packaging, transportation

After drying and assorting, each board is marked with type of the wood and strength index.

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